If a picture is worth a thousand words, imagine 100 000.
VL Communications invests a tremendous amount of time in order to provide your all necessary tools to help you understand the various components of its software. For this reason, we provide you traning videos that will make the learning of AB Magique easier.
Training sessions at your business place are always available. Some fees may be applicable. Please call our sale representatives at 450-963-8940 ext. 108 or 1-800-268-4044 ext. 108 for information.

Training has never been so simple.
An Internet website with numerous hours of training videos is available. Train at your own rate and rhythm from your business place or from the comfort of your home. In the form of short videos, a trainer goes over all the sections of the software with you.
The purpose of these videos is to ease your training by exploring each facet of the software. You can have a look now by clicking on the monitor below!
Please take note the training videos section is currently incomplete and will be updated really soon.